Ebola: The Intruder of the Cell Signaling Pathway

Ebola is a very pressing issue in our world right now, and this project impacted me and broaden my education of the virus. I found this an interesting project and I want to continue looking into Ebola. This project will educate others on the effects of Ebola in our cells and body. It is important to continue making people aware of the issues of Ebola.

Some questions I still have are:

How long will it take to create a cure for Ebola?

Does Ebola kill bats or are they just the carriers of it?

Does Ebola affect people of different

Mine and Jennifer’s research on cell signaling:

Details of Ebola by my classmate Bharathi:

My Classmate Allie’s research on current research

Data of Ebola by Davis:

Disclaimer: I worked on this project with Jennifer Schulz

2 thoughts on “Ebola: The Intruder of the Cell Signaling Pathway

  1. Hi Shauna! I really enjoyed reading your post. I like what you did with all of your information because although it’s complex, you made it easy to read and understand because you organized and explained everything very well. Have you found out whether or not bats are killed by the disease, or if they’re just carriers? What part of the research is most interesting to you?
    I really liked the layout of your post, but maybe you could include more pictures so that the reader could see an example of what the disease does to people it infects. I think you probably had a time limit on the videos, but maybe if you slowed them down so that the viewer had more time to read the data, it would make it easier to read. I learned a lot about Ebola reading your post, and I can tell that you put a ton of time and energy into it! I feel much more informed now.


  2. Hi Shauna! I really enjoyed your Ebola investigations post. The videos you included were very informational and I ended the videos knowing more about Ebola than when I began. Perhaps add more of your own thoughts on Ebola in your intro. Has this project helped you to develop a point of view on Ebola and how it should be contained? How so? I have the same questions on the subject as you do, especially the question of how long it will take to cure Ebola. I liked that you included those questions you had at the beginning of your post. I hope to read more of your blog!


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