Never, Ever Give Up- Diana Nyad


Today I watched a TED talk where Diana Nyad spoke of her dream that she accomplished. She swan from Cuba to Florida at the age of 64. She talked about the struggles of swimming that length and what she was experiencing, but she mainly focused on the feeling she had that she was able to accomplish her goal. This was her fifth attempt and after years of training, she pushed through and did not give up.


This speech was truly inspiring. This really shows her strength and perseverance, I was so blown away by this accomplishments and could not imagine that feeling. Just by looking at Diana you could tell she was full of pride, she said life is a one way street we are getting older and that it what help push her to the finish line.

For me my main goal in life is to have a successful career. I have always wanted to be a nurse practitioner and now that college is next year the dream is getting closer. I know I will have to work hard in college and get into a good graduate school, but all the hard work and studying will pay off. Once I accomplish my career goal I know it will all be worth it. There are always challenges or obstacles to overcome and how you overcome them shows who you are as a person. I am ready for what comes my way and like Diana said life is a one way street we only have one chance so we should never, ever give up.

Disclaimer– Pictures: labeled for reuse on google Video: TED Talk

2 thoughts on “Never, Ever Give Up- Diana Nyad

  1. Great job Shauna! This was a really interesting story and I plan on watching the TED talk. I love how you talked about your own goals in life. I know with hard work you can accomplish it!


  2. Shauna, I know you will be successful in achieving your goal. You have the dedication and ability to be an incredible nurse practitioner. I so enjoy having you in class. You continue to impress me with your focus and positive attitude. You face each challenge with the determination to succeed and you have never given up!

    As a post, double check for grammar and there is a typo in the second sentence. (swan should be swam).


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